Finding out your correct finger size doesn’t have to be a stressful event. We are always here to offer our guidance and expertise. Different countries use different scales to calculate the size. For example, in the UK, we use a letter scale, the USA uses numbers.

This scale will show you how to cross check your ring size across the different systems, in different countries.

International ring size table
UK,Germany,India,Italy, Spain,
USA,Australia,FranceRussia,China, Japan,Netherlands,
CanadaS. AfricaUkraine,S. America,Switzerland
AsiaTurkey, Israel
1 ½C////
2D41 ½13 ¼21 ½
2 ¼D ½42 1/813 ½//
2 ½E42 ¾13 ¾32 ¾
2 ¾E ½43 3/8//3 3/8
3 ¼F1/244 5/814 ¼/4 5/8
3 ½G45 ¼14 ½55 ¼
3 ¾G ½45 7/814 ¾65 7/8
4H46 ½1576 ½
4 ¼H ½47 1/8//7 1/8
4 ½I47 ¾15 ¼87 ¾
4 ¾J48 3/815 ½/8 3/8
5J ½4915 ¾99
5 ¼K49 5/816/9 5/8
5 ½K ½50 ¼16 ¼1010 ¼
5 ¾L50 7/8/1110 7/8
6L ½51 ½16 ½1211 ½
6 ¼M52 1/816 ¾/12 1/8
6 ½M ½52 ¾171312 ¾
6 ¾N53 3/8//13 3/8
7O5417 ¼1414
7 ¼O ½54 5/817 ½/14 5/8
7 ½P55 ¼17 ¾1515 ¼
7 ¾P ½55 7/818/15 7/8
8Q56 ½/1616 ½
8 ¼Q ½57 1/818 ¼/17 1/8
8 ½R57 ¾18 ½1717 ¾
8 ¾R ½58 3/818 ¾/18 3/8
9 ¼S ½59 5/819 ¼/19 5/8
9 ½/60 ¼19 ½1920 ¼
9 ¾T60 7/8//20 7/8
10T ½61 ½19 ¾2021 ½
10 ¼UK,62 1/8202122 1/8
10 ½U ½62 ¾/2222 ¾
10 ¾V63 3/820 ½/23 3/8
11V1/26420 ¾2324
11 ¼W64 5/8//24 5/8
11 ½W ½65 ¼212425 ¼
11 ¾X65 7/821 ¼/25 7/8
12Y66 ½21 ½2526 ½
12 ¼Y ½67 1/8//27 1/8
12 ½Z67 ¾21 ¾2627 ¾
12 ¾Z ½68 3/8//28 3/8
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