Watch, clock and jewellery repairs

Cox & Son can offer repairs to watches, jewellery and clocks. With free inspection, checking and estimation, usually while you wait – if it can be repaired, we can probably do it.


Our quality watch repairs run from fitting a new battery to a full restoration.  From simple to complicated chronographs, modern to antique timepieces. Your watch will be cleaned in the latest ultrasonic machine, time and waterproof tested in modern equipment by highly skilled horologists, who deliver outstanding workmanship.


Our jewellery service includes ring sizing and missing stone replacement, repairing and strengthening of bracelets and necklaces, work on silver, gold and platinum and the manufacture of missing or special pieces.


Our resident clockmakers can skilfully repair all types of clocks, from small alarm clocks to large grandfathers. Local collection and delivery is available where required.

All our repairs are fully guaranteed.

Watch repairs
Jewellery repair tools